2012 - 2016
ITU (Istanbul Technical University)- mindset
06.09.2019 - 30.11.2019
The aim of this program is to provide participants with knowledge and skills on how big data should be processed in a way that will enable optimal decision making, increase efficiency and reduce costs. 98 hours of training.
Midas Hediyelik Eşya San. Ve Tic. A. Ş. - İstanbul
03.2019 - Devam Ediyor
By carrying out IOT and MES projects initiated to further develop the production line and increase sales volume, I first collect data through Thingworx, Postgre SQL and Kepware, and then analyze and report this data through Thingworx and Knime.
KOTON - İstanbul
10.2018 - 02.2019
To ensure that the right product is available at the right time, in the right quantity, in the right stores according to the sales potential of the products and stores, customer profiles and requests, to carry out the operational activities that I manage the store stocks (Initial distribution, stock completion, transfer between stores, returns, etc.), Monthly/weekly Making the necessary preparations and reporting for management briefing meetings, observing store visits and customer demands, expectations, selling/not selling products, and sharing the notes taken are among the tasks I perform within my job description.
Tofaş Türk Otomobil Fabrikası A.Ş. - İstanbul
10.2014- 03.2015
Özel Yeni Nesil Meslek Kursu - İstanbul
08.2013 - 05.2016
IT Manager
Founder and Owner
Midas Souvenirs San. and Tic. A. Ş., approaching Industry 4.0 standards, our delivery times have been shortened significantly, thanks to the measured and improved production processes.